New and Notable

Steve Strauss presents a summary of GMO crop science and controversy to students

Strauss used Skype to present a summary of GMO crop science and controversy to Sheldon High School Science Class in Eugene, OR, February 2017. A pdf of the lecture is available on the presentations page.

Steve Strauss lectures on science and controversy over GMO crops

Strauss lectures on science and controversy over GMO crops at Salem Public Library as part of Salem Environmental Education Series, February 2017.  A pdf of the lecture is available on the presentations page.

Interdisciplinary team of wildlife, social, and biotech scientists analyze potential ecological impacts of modifying tree plantations to avoid gene flow

Steve Strauss is a co-author on the recently released New Phytologist publication, Reproductive modification in forest plantations: impacts on biodiversity and society.

Strauss delivers talk on state of gene editing technology and social dimensions to Mint Industry Research Council National Meeting

Steve Strauss delivered a presentation titled "CRISPR Technology and Gene Editing Possibilities" in January. View a pdf of the presentation.

Interview: Saving stressed forests: We need better forest management to set the stage before breeding and biotechnology

Steve Strauss was recently interviewed on Idaho Agribusiness Today about saving pine forests.

OSU receives $4 million grant to identify mechanisms for control of genetic engineering in plants

“Many crop species, and many of the valuable varieties within them, remain extremely difficult to genetically engineer,” said Steve Strauss, OSU distinguished professor in the College of Forestry and project leader. “This greatly limits the ability of this method to be used for plant breeding and scientific research. There can be blockages at any of the several steps. Regeneration of modified cells into plants is usually the most difficult to overcome.”

New position in Strauss Lab

There is a new position in our lab for a faculty research assistant to perform tissue culture work and DNA analysis for a new NSF funded project underway. See posting P00822UF on the OSU jobs site.

Strauss collaborates with legal scholar Sax to propose major revision to regulation of GMO crops in Nature Biotechnology

Steve Strauss collaborates with legal scholar Sax to propose major revision to regulation of GMO crops in Nature Biotechnology (May 2016)

Report from laboratory in Nature Biotechnology (September 2016) shows effectiveness of genetic containment in field-grown poplar

Forestry scientists have found a way to arrest the development of flowers in poplar trees, paving the way for control of the unintentional spread of engineered or non-native tree species. “Our goal isn’t to make reproductively modified trees just to have that trait,” said Amy Klocko, postdoctoral scientist in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University. “It’s to prevent genetically modified or non-native trees from spreading, either to wild forests or to other plantations. This would help alleviate concerns over gene flow, whether for scientific or ethical reasons.”

Steve Strauss is co-author of a new article in Frontiers in Plant Science

An article titled Extensive transcriptome changes during natural onset and release of vegetative bud dormancy in Populus, co-authored by Steven Strauss, was recently published in Frontiers in Plant Science, section Functional Plant Ecology.
