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Brunner AM, Goldfarb B, Busov V, Strauss SH.  2003.  Controlling maturation and flowering for forest tree domestication. In Stewart, C.N. (Eds.), Transgenic Plants: Current Innovations and Future Trends. :Pp9-44.
Campbell MM, Brunner AM, Jones HM, Strauss SH.  2003.  Forestry's Fertile Crescent: The application of biotechnology to forest trees. Plant Biotechnology. 1:141-154.
Hsu C-Y, Adams JP, Kim H, No K, Ma C, Strauss SH, Drnevich J, Vandervelde L, Ellis JD, Rice BM et al..  2011.  FLOWERING LOCUS T duplication coordinates reproductive and vegetative growth in perennial poplar. PNAS. 108(26):10756-10761.
Yuceer C, Hsu C-Y, Brunner AM, Strauss SH.  2011.  Regulation of Flowering Time in Poplar. Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Poplar, C.P. Joshi, S. DiFazio, and C. Kole (eds.). :pp.272-303.