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DiFazio SP, Slavov GT, Burczyk J, Leonardi S, Strauss SH.  2004.  Gene flow from tree plantations and implications for transgenic risk assessment. In C. Walter and M. Carson (eds.) Plantation Forest Biotechnology for the 21st Century. :405-422.
Slavov GT, DiFazio SP, Strauss SH.  2004.  Gene flow in forest trees: gene migration patterns and landscape modelling of transgene dispersal in hybrid poplar. In H.C.M. den Nijs, D. Bartsch, and J. Sweet (Eds.), Introgression from genetically modified plants into wild relatives. :Pp89-106.
Slavov GT, DiFazio SP, Strauss SH.  2002.  Gene flow in forest trees: From empirical estimates to transgenic risk assessment. Scientific Methods Workshop: Ecological and Agronomic Consequences of Gene Flow from Transgenic Crops to Wild Relatives.